College Entrance Essay Coaching
For over 15 years I have been working privately with students helping them transform their thoughts and experiences into their college entrance essays. The results have been consistently remarkable, breathtaking, and noteworthy. I love nothing more than working with the younger siblings of former students and working with former students years later on their med. school, law school, and grad. school essays. My experience as a mom, author, essayist, English professor, and creative writing instructor makes this process casual and stress-free.
My process includes a 1-to-1 meeting on Zoom (or on Martha’s Vineyard) to brainstorm, create an outline, and do the all-important first paragraph together. At this meeting, we agree on a deadline for the student’s rough draft. After I receive the rough draft, I offer line-by-line editorial feedback and promptly send it back to the student. After making their preferred changes, they re-send their new draft. We work back and forth online editing together until the student loves it.